Breathwork and Ice Bath - LCS Wellness and Sports Recovery
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Breathwork and Ice Bath

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07 Mar

Breathwork and Ice Bath

March 7 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Purchase Your Ticket Now

DATE: Friday 7th of March

TIME: 7:15pm start

LOCATION: LCS Wellness & Sports Recovery Centre

Unit 1, 31 Cessna Drive Caboolture

PRICE: $20 per person (16 years +)

Invest in you! Our Breathwork sessions are affordable guided Breathwork & Meditation session finishing with a plunge session in our onsite Hot & Ice Baths.

What to bring:

Please bring a towel & change of clothes and water. For the breathwork and meditation session we recommended bringing a blanket or warm clothes, yoga mat or towel.

Please note:

Please don’t consume drugs or alcohol 48 hours before the event. If you have a medical condition please check with your doctor before purchasing a ticket. This event isn’t suitable for children or the elderly, if you have open wounds, history of cardiovascular problems, hypersensitivity to the cold, multiple sclerosis, pregnancy, cancer, seizures, epileptic, severe mental illness, aneurysms or if you have circulatory problems.

Purchasing this ticket you are agreeing that you don’t have the above medical conditions or have doctors approval to attend the event.

During the event we may take photos or videos which may be used on social media and our website. Please let the team know on the day if you don’t give consent.

Purchase Your Ticket Now

Please bring along a towel and clothing or swimwear to wear in the spas, water and comfortable clothing. Please make sure to eat a light meal prior to the workshop.

PLEASE consult your doctor first if you have a history of cardiovascular problems, hypersensitivity to the cold, multiple sclerosis, cancer, circulatory problems, pregnant or have a medical condition.

PLEASE NOTE this therapy is not suited for children, elderly or if you have any open wounds. We may take photographs and video , these may be used online, social media and in print these could be used on social media or to promote future events .

Event Details

Date: March 7 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Time: 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Venue LCS Wellness Center
Address: 31 Cessna Drive
Organizer Name: LCS Wellness
Phone: 0401 378 390